Well its is now Fall and the weather here is just beautiful-Indian Summer I guess they call it- and I got my shorts and summer tops back on, this won't last too long-so Im going to enjoy it while it lasts. So on with the tip of the week.
While I was up in my bathroom the other day looking for some q-tips (cotton swabs) it came to me all the different items that I had that can be used in my scraproom to help me do my projects. So I dug through the drawers and cabinets and found these items that might be helpful for you too.

Cotton swabs, cotton balls and those facial wipes are great for applying your inks and chalks, old or new eyeshadows come in so many colors-just like chalks and they work just as well- so don't throw them away, add them to your collection of mediums. Nail polish- well that is just like paint -they come in a variety of colors and glitters and are easy to apply with the appplicator for those extra little touches to a card or a layout. Do you have just one earring or a broken necklace in your jewelry cabinet- well there again don't just throw it away- take it apart or use the just the one piece as an embellishment. Those little pill containers that you can get anywhere are great little for storing brads, beads or small misc items to take with you on retreats or get-togethers without having to take your whole supply with you. And some more little containers that I found with all my nail stuff are those that come with the variety of fake nails (when empty) they are great for more brads, beads sequoins or even buttons. And now for the few items I have that are in the front of the photo-nail file great for sanding your papers and those little areas you need to get to on your embellishments. Don't have any thread well dental floss will do and they do come in a couple different colors - red, green ,blue and white. And the good ole' toothbrush- I have used this with painting since I was in high school. Put your paint on the brush( not to thick) and flick it( rub your finger over the top ) to the area you want to be speckled, makes for a great background look. And you can use several colors to acheive the look you want. Oh and one more item I forgot to put in the picture is your handy tweezers (which you probably already have in your scraproom). But if not, they are great for picking up those little items such as beads, brads, and sequions and placing them on your project easier.
Ok- your now thinking she is crazy!! No -I'm just a little Frugal !! lol See ya next week at Frugal Fridays I will be posting a new blog candy to be given away to one lucky winner.